is a website. A website people use to book hotel rooms. And our job was to advertise that website. is The Obvious Choice because it has the best and easiest to use awards program of any of the booking sites. We created Captain Obvious to tell you that. With his mouth.

We created these holiday films that pushed out on their Facebook page for each holiday during the year.

We even ran spots on gas pump screens.

ECD: Dan Donovan
CD: Matt Talbot / Andrew Lincoln
ACD / AD: Jamin Duncan
ACD / CW: Graham McCann
AD: Bryan Lee / Marc Wilson / Matt Lowber
CW: Stephen Dalton / Ross Saunders / Aaron Cathey
DIR: Stacy Wall

I was lucky enough to be able to direct this holiday :15. It is my directorial debut.

ECD: Dan Donovan
CD / AD: Jamin Duncan
CD / CW: Graham McCann
DIR: Stacy Wall / Jamin Duncan / Graham McCann

We started Captain Obvious' Twitter page with 0 followers. Soon we had 1. Then 2, and so forth. Through daily obvious affirmations, photos, contests and gifs, we grew his Twitter following into the hundreds of thousands.